I have been retained by Philip Robbins, the applicant/owner, to provide a land use Planning Rationale Report (PRR) in support of a proposed residential development for property located at 333 McEwan Avenue (herein the “Site”) in the City of Windsor, Ontario.

There is presently a residential structure on the subject lands with two (2) units. The applicant intends to convert the basement of this structure into an additional unit for a total of three (3) units (multiple dwelling unit). The Site will provide for affordable housing.

A site specific Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) is required in support of the proposed development. Council for the City of Windsor is the approval authority.

The purpose of this report is to review the relevant land use documents including Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2020, the City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) and the City of Windsor Zoning By-law (ZBL) as it pertains to the ZBA application.

Pre-submission was completed by the applicant/owner (City File #PS 042/2020). Comments dated July 17, 2020 were received and have been incorporated into the proposed application.

This PRR will show that the proposed development represents good planning addressing the need for the City to provide residential infilling development in the form of a multiple dwelling unit, which contributes to affordability and intensification requirements.