Table 4: Transit Windsor Salary Survey Summary 2018 with 5.4% retroactive increase applied (as of Jan 1, 2018)

*no 2018 salary increases have been applied to the Windsor salaries other than the 5.4% increase to move 2017 to the 50th percentile, these new salaries in 2018 result in a 54% overall percentile ranking. October 2017 rates were used as the base for the 5.4% increase since salary increases are provided April and October of each year.

2018 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Column 10
Row Labels Windsor N Median 25th Percentile 65th Percentile 75th Percentile Mean Windsor %lle Windsor $ From Med Windsor % From Med
  • NTW
    • Band 16
      • NTW026
Executive Director- Transit $173,583.15 9 $170,867 $145,165 $174,458 $177,161 $163,522 56% $2,715.85 2%
  • Band 15
    • NTW025
Sr. Manager Fleet and Support Services $142,102.96 4 $137,873 $121,300 $145,115 $147,123 $136,307 50% $4,230.06 3%
  • Band 12
    • NTW011
Manager Operations $115,998.30 9 $117,092 $110,485 $124,849 $129,730 $121,529 44% -$1,093.86 -1%
  • Band11
    • NTW004
Maintenance Manager Fleet $108,409.52 7 $109,767 $108,284 $116,525 $124,021 $115,516 29% -$1,357.05 -1%
  • Band 10
    • ENTW014
Coordinator Its- Transit Windsor $101,317.87 5 $97,445 $96,523 $99,576 $100,650 $96,959 100% $3,873.23 4%
Operations Coordinator $101,317.87 4 $96,501 $94,390 $98,743 $100,237 $95,914 100% $4,816.87 5%
  • Band 9
    • NTW012
Operations Supervisor $87,343.15 8 $86,982 $84,297 $95,281 $97,483 $93,528 50% $361.33 0%
Maintenance Supervisor- Transit Windsor $87,343.15 7 $92,765 $87,288 $94,758 $98,642 $94,635 29% -$5,421.94 -6%
Transportation Scheduler- Transit Windsor $87,343.15 9 $89,778 $85,059 $97,855 $100,149 $89,926 33% -$2,434.54 -3%
Fleet Coordinator $87,343.15 5 $92,765 $88,292 $94,557 $94,891 $90,356 20% -$5,421.94 -6%
Supervisor Sales Marketing $87,343.15 5 $87,770 $87,179 $90,437 $94,480 $89,526 40% -$426.65 0%
Planning Supervisor $87,343.15 7 $90,665 $82,890 $97,080 $98,242 $91,201 43% -$3,322.13 -4%
  • Band 8
    • -NTW006
Executive Administrative Assistant Transit Windsor $76,616.45 5 $63,702 $57,062 $68,172 $73,802 $65,498 80% $12,914.45 20%
Payroll Coordinator $76,616.45 6 $55,335 $53,674 $55,394 $66,009 $61,573 83% $21,281.45 38%
*2018 rate =2017 rate X 5.4%           Average Percentile 54.0%