
  1. Implement the required percentage increase for the organization.

  2. Consider reviewing the build of the current Transit Windsor salary structure to create better balance in Bands 9, 11 and 12 for the market salary survey. Currently the % change between bands in the survey are as follows:

Bands 8 to 9 = 12%

Band 9 to 10 = 14%

Band 10 to 11 = 7%

Band 11 to 12 = 7%

Band 15 to 16 = 18%

All 6 positions in Band 9 and each position in Bands 11 and 12 are below the median. With the application of the 5.4% salary increase only one position moves to the 50th percentile or above position, the remaining 7 positions remain below the 50th percentile, that is 57% of the positions surveyed. The seven positions below the median are 1-6% below the median in real salary dollars.

Again, this indicates the percentile ranking issue won’t be fixed with across the board increases but is more structural in nature. The development of a structural compensation solution is beyond the scope of this project.