The General Manager stated that the following sentence be added to Section 2.4 as follows:

In the event that a Board meeting is conducted via video-conference or tele-conference due to a Declaration of Emergency, instructions will be posted on the Authority’s website and on the agenda cover page so as to advise the public and the media as to how they may view and/or listen to the meeting via a video-conference link and/or tele-conference.

The General Manager also stated that following sentence be added to Section 8.7 as follows:

Delegates shall not be permitted to participate in the event that a Board meeting is conducted via video-conference or tele-conference. Under this circumstance, a delegate can choose to present a written submission in advance of the meeting for the Board to consider.

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT the following sentences be added to Section 2.1 of Policy No. EW-001 as follows:

In the event that the City of Windsor or the County of Essex or the Province of Ontario make a Declaration of Emergency, the EWSWA Board may choose to conduct a meeting of the Board, or any of its committees, via video-conference or tele-conference. If possible, the Board Chair, General Manager and Executive Secretary shall be physically present at the same location in order to conduct the meeting and to administer the video-conference or tele-conference the minutes from the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority Regular Meeting, dated November 5, 2019, be approved and adopted.

THAT the following sentences be added to Section 2.4 of Policy No. EW-001 as follows:

In the event a Board meeting is conducted via video-conference or tele-conference due to a Declaration of Emergency, instructions will be posted on the Authority’s website and on the agenda cover page so as to advise the public and the media as to how they may view and/or listen to the meeting via video-conference link and/or tele-conference.

THAT the following sentences be added to Section 8.7 of Policy No. EW-001 as follows:

Delegates shall not be permitted to participate in the event that a Board meeting is conducted via video-conference or tele-conference. Under this circumstance, a delegate can choose to present a written submission in advance of the meeting for the Board to consider.  


Carried Unanimously