4. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

The Chair called for any declarations of pecuniary interest and none were noted. He further expressed that should a conflict of a pecuniary nature or other arise at any time during the course of the meeting that it would be noted at that time.

5. Approval of the Minutes

A. February 4, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

The General Manager noted that the header was missing on the meeting minutes in the agenda package.

Moved by Hilda MacDonald
Seconded by Jim Morrison

THAT the minutes from the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority Regular Meeting, dated February 4, 2020, be approved and adopted.

Carried Unanimously

6. Business Arising from the Minutes

No items were raised for discussion.

7. Correspondence

There were no correspondence items for consideration.

8. Delegations

There were no delegations present.

9. Waste Disposal

A. Impact of COVID-19 on EWSWA Operations

The General Manager referred to page 14 of the agenda package.

The General Manager stated that there have been no adverse health issues among EWSWA staff. All staff have continued to report to their work location and those staff who are able to work from home have been assigned to do so.

The General Manager stated that beginning Friday, March 20, 2020, the Windsor Public Drop-Off Depot was closed to all residential and industrial/commercial/institutional (ICI) customers. The Transfer Station located at this site remains open and staffed by City of Windsor employees in order to receive refuse collected curbside from residents by municipally contracted collectors and to transfer the refuse to the Regional Landfill. The