2. Roll Call of Board Members Present

3. Amendment to Order and Proceedings Policy EW-001 re: Electronic Meetings during a Declaration of Emergency

The General Manager referred to the report on pages 1 and 2 of the agenda package. He stated that an amendment to the Order and Proceedings Policy EW-001 would have to be considered before the meeting could proceed via teleconference.

The General Manager stated the Province of Ontario, the City of Windsor and the County of Essex have all made a Declaration of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The General Manager also noted that Municipal Act, 2001 was amended to allow for electronic participation by members of council, a local board or of a committee when an emergency has been declared to exist in all or part of the municipality.

The General Manager stated that Section 2.1, 2.4 and 8.7 of EWSWA Policy EW-001 will have to be revised to allow the proceedings of Board meetings and/or committees to be held electronically.

The General Manager stated that Section 2.1 has to be revised to add the following sentences:

In the event that the City of Windsor or the County of Essex or the Province of Ontario make a Declaration of Emergency, the EWSWA Board may choose to conduct a meeting of the Board, or any of its committees, via video-conference or tele-conference. If possible, the Board Chair, General Manager and the Executive Secretary shall be physically present at the same location in order to conduct the meeting and to administer the video-conference or tele-conference.