On January 1, 2023 – County of Essex blue box collection in 7 County municipalities be transitioned to Producers.

On January 1, 2023 – Processing of all recyclables delivered from the 7 County municipalities and the City of Windsor be transitioned to Producers.

On August 28, 2024 – City of Windsor blue box collection be transitioned to Producers.

The General Manager also stated that if Producers wish for an entire municipal blue box program to be transitioned at one time then it is the preference that Essex-Windsor’s blue box recycling program be transitioned as follows:

On August 28, 2024 – County of Essex blue box collection in 7 County municipalities, City of Windsor blue box collection and the processing of all recyclables delivered, be transitioned to Producers.

The General Manager stated that Administration is recommending the dates and timelines above and that it is not a binding resolution but information to be provided to AMO.

The General Manager stated that some of the producers have expressed their inclination for municipalities to continue to provide administration and management over curbside blue box collection.

The General Manager stated that AMO is asking municipalities if they are interested in continuing administering and managing the collection of blue boxes post-transition.

The General Manager also stated the City of Windsor is undertaking the same and will submit a similar resolution to AMO. He stated that one resolution will come from the City of Windsor and one from the Authority.

Mr. McNamara stated that as an AMO Board member, he is aware of the process. Mr. McNamara stated that when he receives more information he will bring it forward to the EWSWA Board.

Moved by Gary McNamara
Seconded by Jim Morrison

THAT the Board endorse the following resolution:

WHEREAS Essex-Windsor is supportive of a timely, seamless and successful transition of Blue Box programs to full financial and operational responsibility by producers of packaging, paper and paper products;

AND WHEREAS the Association of Municipalities of Ontario has requested municipal governments with Blue Box programs to provide an indication of the best date to transition our Blue Box program to full producer responsibility;