The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the Gold Star Recycler Program continues to grow. She noted as of last year, the Authority has issued 1,500 boxes and the program continues to grow since 2017.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that Authority continues to service special events. In 2019 the Authority supported 65 events.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that curbside motor oil collection has remained constant since 2017.

Mr. McKenzie stated that he likes the report and noted that the volatility of the market is interesting. He noted that the tonnage for the newspaper tonnage has dropped. He asked if there were opportunities for the Authority to generate a greater revenue.

The Manager of Waste Diversion noted that the volume of newspaper was overstated because the Authority was allowed to sell the newspaper even though it also contained cardboard, boxboard and other contaminants. She also stated that cardboard produces more revenue than newspaper. She noted that the Authority has seen significant increases in revenue with cardboard due to the installation of the Fibre Optic Sorting System (FOSS). The overall sorting system in the Fibre MRF is resulting in more cardboard being separated and thereby producing pure newspaper bales.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the Authority is always looking at continuous improvement, for example in the container facility. This continuous improvement will produce greater efficiencies.

Moved by Kieran McKenzie
Seconded by Marc Bondy

THAT the Board receive the 2019 Residential Waste Diversion Report as information.

Carried Unanimously

E. Board Resolution for AMO re: Date Preference for Blue Box Transition

The General Manager referred to page 38 of the agenda package.

The General Manager stated that the report is to recommend that the Board support a resolution related to the Authority’s blue box program that will be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). The resolution will advise AMO of the preferred dates on which the Authority wishes to transition the blue box recycling program to Producers.

The General Manager stated that if agreeable to Producers, that an entire municipal blue box program does not need to be transitioned at one time then it would be the preference of the Authority to be transitioned as follows: