THAT Essex-Windsor would like to transition their Blue Box program to full producer responsibility as follows:

1. (A) THAT if agreeable to Producers, that if an entire municipal blue box program does not need to be transitioned at one time but that components of it can be transitioned at different dates, then it is the preference that Essex-Windsor’s blue box recycling program be transitioned as follows:

On January 1, 2023 – County of Essex blue box collection in 7 County municipalities be transitioned to Producers

On January 1, 2023 – Processing of all recyclables delivered from the 7 County municipalities and the City of Windsor be transitioned to Producers

On August 28, 2024 – City of Windsor blue box collection be transitioned to Producers

1. (B) THAT if Producers wish for an entire municipal blue box program to be transitioned at one time then it is the preference that Essex-Windsor’s blue box recycling program be transitioned as follows:

On August 28, 2024 – County of Essex blue box Collection in 7 County municipalities, City of Windsor blue box Collection and the Processing of all recyclables delivered, be transitioned to Producers

2.   AND THAT this decision is based on the following rationale:

The contract for County of Essex blue box collection and processing of all recyclables delivered from the County of Essex and the City of Windsor expires on December 31, 2022. The contract for City of Windsor blue box collection expires on August 27, 2024.

If Producers will not transition Essex-Windsor’s program in two segments, then the contract for County collection and processing of all recyclables will be extended beyond December 31, 2022 to August 27, 2024 to coincide with Windsor’s collection contract.

3.  AND THAT Essex-Windsor may be interested in providing collection services to Producers should we be able to arrive at mutually agreeable commercial terms.

4.   AND FURTHER THAT any questions regarding this resolution can be directed to Eli Maodus, General Manager, Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority at 519-776-6441 x1226 or at