idea that residents should only leave their house if it was necessary. She also stated that the City did not think it was necessary for residents to bring their items to the depot at this time. She stated that to maintain social distancing, they would have had to limit the amount of people at the Depot facility. This would cause a lineup of cars and create a traffic concern. The City did allow residents to set out an extra 2 bags of garbage due to the Depot being closed. She stated that residents have up until May 15th to do this and a hard-sided container is not necessary for the extra 2 bags of garbage. She stated that bulk items are still being collected curbside. She noted that unfortunately, people are dumping illegally. She stated that she has been working with the Manager of Waste Diversion on how to open the Depot with social distancing restrictions. She stated that they hope to open relatively soon but a date has not yet been determined.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that while the Depot was closed to the public, the overall site was still an active workplace because garbage, recycling and yard waste was still being collected curbside. She stated that there are good on-site operational protocols in place now but we have to figure out how to open the Depot safely to residents.

Ms. Albidone stated that the site is still fully operational with City of Windsor employees working there. She also noted that contractors and employees are still going in and out of the site.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that residents have inappropriately dropped off garbage through the gates at the site. She stated that the Authority is dealing with a small number of residents doing this.

Mr. Bondy stated that garbage is an essential service.

Ms. Albidone stated that garbage collection is an essential service. She noted that renovation material is not collected through regular garbage collection. She stated that that there private depots that residents can attend like Windsor Disposal. Ms. Albidone stated that she is communicating with other municipalities on how they are dealing with the pandemic.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that we are trying to keep our workforce healthy and working.

Mr. Kaschak asked if Windsor Disposal was open to the public. Ms. Albidone stated that residents can attend their site but she is not aware of their fees.

Mr. McNamara stated that a lot more of the ditches in the Town of Tecumseh have garbage in them. He stated that Chatham-Kent is reopening to the general public. He stated that a plan has to be established to reopen the Public Drop-Off Depots. He stated that he understands the social distancing. Mr. McNamara stated that Mayor Santos from the Town of Kingsville has stated that his municipality has had issues also. Mr. McNamara stated that residents do not like to keep hazardous materials at their