home. Mr. McNamara stated that the Town of Tecumseh has also passed a by-law to allow residents to place an extra 2 bags of garbage with their curbside collection. He stated that we should really look at a gradual reopening.

Mr. Kaschak asked Ms. Albidone if employees have been laid off or reassigned.

Ms. Albidone stated that all Environmental Services employees are all currently working in the department. She stated that at the beginning of the pandemic they were redeployed to other areas. She also stated that when the Drop-off reopens schedules will have to be changed. She confirmed once again that they are working on a plan to reopen the site.

Mr. McKenzie asked what information or communication has been provided to employees with respect to the handling of material as the COVID-19 virus can live on surfaces for a while.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that there are protocols in place to protect workers such as PPE, designated workspace, increased sanitization of work surfaces and increased access of sanitizer/disinfectant fill stations. She also stated that a memo was also issued to staff. She also noted that contractors on site have reported their protocols to the Authority to ensure safety and daily self-screening is required for all staff coming to work onsite.

13. By-Laws

A. 4-2020

Being a By-Law to Authorize the Amendment to Order and Proceedings Policy EW-001 re: Electronic Meetings during a Declaration of Emergency

Moved by Kieran McKenzie

Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT By-Law 4-2020, Being a by-law to Authorize the Amendment to Order and Proceedings Policy EW-001 re: Electronic Meetings during a Declaration of Emergency.

Carried Unanimously

B. 5-2020

Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority and E.R. Vollans for the Supply of a Four Wheel Drive Utility Tractor to be used at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill, closed Landfill No. 2 and Landfill No. 3

Moved by Kieran McKenzie
Seconded by Ed Sleiman