C. KPMG Appointment as Auditor

The Manager of Finance referred to page 68 of the agenda package. She stated that Authority Administration is recommending the appointment of KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants as the Authority’s auditor for the five year period 2020-2024.

The Manager of Finance stated that KPMG’s term as auditor ended after the audit of the Authority’s 2019 financial statements in 2020. She noted that KPMG is also the auditor for the County of Essex and the City of Windsor. The County of Essex will also be recommending that KPMG be reappointed for another five year term. She noted that the fee proposal made by KPMG to the County of Essex includes the fee that would be charged to the Authority.

The Manager of Finance explained that the Authority has taken advantage of the County’s reasonable audit fees. The Authority’s current rate is $12,050 for 2019 with modest increases over the next 5 years.

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Aldo DiCarlo

THAT the KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants be appointed the Authority’s auditor for a five year period commencing with the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.

Carried Unanimously

D. Legal Invoice(s)

The General Manager stated that this invoice was for a drainage matter.

Moved by Hilda MacDonald

Seconded by Kieran McKenzie

THAT the Board authorize the payment of the legal account as summarized.

Carried Unanimously

12. Other Items


Mr. Bondy stated that the Town of LaSalle is receiving many calls from residents stating that are seeing people drop off garbage illegally around the municipality due to the Windsor Public Drop-off being closed due to the pandemic.

Anne Marie Albidone, City of Windsor Manager of Environmental Services, stated that at the start of the pandemic the decision to close the Windsor Public Drop-off Depot was due to the direction by the Province related to social distancing and people staying home as much as possible. She stated that the City of Windsor wanted to support the