Once the business plan is complete it will be presented to City Council to obtain future direction from City Council.

Risk Analysis:

There are no significant risks associated with applying for grant funding for completing the program design study. Using the grant funding does not commit the City to continue with implementation of any program.

Climate Change Mitigation

There are no climate change related risks associated with applying for the FCM funding. The DEER program overall will greatly aid climate change mitigation through greenhouse gas reduction. Based on the goals of the DEER project, GHG reduction can be estimated as 235,000 tonnes per year by 2041.

Climate Change Adaptation

There are no climate change adaptation risks associated with applying for FCM funding. As part of this DEER program, Administration will be looking at opportunities to enhance the service delivery of the existing basement flood reduction measures (i.e. Sump pumps, backwater valves). This will improve resiliency of Windsor’s residences.

Financial Matters:

To support the development of the business plan, administration is recommending an application to FCM Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) program to support the program design study. If successful, CEF funding can support program design study costs up to $175,000 or 80% of eligible costs whichever is less.

Project ID 7159001 Corporate and Community Climate Change Mitigation account was created in 2015 to support the development of the Community Energy Plan (CEP) and Corporate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP). Due to successful applications to both FCM’s Green Municipal Fund and the Ministry of Energy’s Community Energy Plan funding to support the development of the CEP, surplus funds remained in this Project ID upon completion of the project. These funds were then allotted to the development of the DEER business case (feasibility study), which was supported through FCM’s Municipal Climate Innovation Program (MCIP). Upon completion of the DEER business case, there remains a surplus of $72,722 in this Project ID. At this time, Administration is requesting that these surplus funds be used to leverage the funding from the FCM CEF program.