Currently, Administration is investigating completing the business plan internally as much as possible, through the development of a Corporate Project Team and Charter.

The CEF funding allows for cost recovering of internal staff time for time dedicated to the project. However, there are a number of items that may benefit from external consultants expertise. Below outlines estimated expenses, however, these expenses are expected to change as the working team is developed and internal expertise is realized.

The following table outlines the proposed project budget

Description Amount
Internal Costs  
Project Management – Community Energy Administrator (up to 75% FTE, inclusive of fringe) Plan $68,610
Possible External Support Costs  
Business Case Stress Test and Capital expenditure breakdown $18,000
Market Study $45,000
Business Plan Consultants $116,112
Total Eligible Expenses $247,722
FCM Community Efficiency Fund (80% expenditures, to a maximum of $175,000)of eligible ($175,000)
Surplus Funds from Project ID 7159001 (Corporate and Community Climate Change Mitigation) ($72,722)
Total Funding Available ($247,722)


Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Enbridge Gas

Clean Air Partnership

Municipalities – Oakville, Newmarket, Burlington, Vaughan