material in 2019 was approximately $2,070,666 (see Table 5) representing a basket-of-goods revenue of approximately $101/tonne compared to a basket-of-goods revenue of $134/tonne in 2018. A brief discussion on market conditions and prices for each of the materials follows.

Figure 1: Percent of Tonnes for 2019 Marketed Recyclables

Note: Due to rounding total tonnes marketed does not total 100%.

3.1 Fibres

Old Newspaper (ONP)

Ontario market price trends are published annually by the Continuous Improvement Fund’s (CIFs) Price Sheet (January 2020). For 2019, ONP prices started the year at a high of $61 per tonne in January and then declined gradually to finally close out the year at $33 per tonne in December. The EWSWA average price for 2019 was $55 per tonne which is