Table 1: Residential Recycling Blue Box Collection Tonnes by Month Comparison: 2018 with 2019

Month 2019 County of Essex Tonnes 2019 City ofWindsorTonnes 2019CombinedTonnes 2018ComparableTonnes
January 1,099.61 1,075.24 2,174.85 2,343.65
February 972.63 917.59 1,890.22 1,955.57
March 945.63 932.95 1,878.58 2,090.20
April 1,063.56 1,119.42 2,182.98 2,038.99
May 1,287.05 1,283.19 2,570.24 2,521.74
June 1,007.06 1,031.30 2,038.36 2,146.27
July 1,086.20 1,110.90 2,197.10 1,980.10
August 1,025.06 1,053.24 2,078.30 2,210.14
September 998.25 1,030.87 2,029.12 2,039.40
October 1,127.57 1,097.80 2,225.37 2,231.67
November 1,040.92 1,032.53 2,073.45 2,296.10
December 1,075.17 1,012.20 2,087.37 2,156.72
Column Totals: 12,728.71 12,697.23 25,425.94 26,010.55

Notes: The County of Essex includes the Town of Amherstburg, the Town of Essex, the Town of Kingsville, the Town of Lakeshore, the Town of LaSalle, the Municipality of Leamington and the Town of Tecumseh.

2.2 Recycling Residual Disposal

Recycling Residual is the material that is left over after the processing of the recyclable materials are collected and delivered to the MRF. The residuals consist of contaminated materials, non-recyclable materials, and packaging materials used to secure recyclables placed in the recycle box. A total of 4,513.29 tonnes of recycling residuals was disposed of in 2019.

3 Tonnes Marketed

For the purposes of waste diversion calculations, tonnes marketed are used instead of the tonnes collected curbside. The tonnes marketed by material type are shown in Table 2, 3 and 4. The Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority markets all materials processed through the MRF, and retains 100% of the revenue from the sale of materials. Revenue from the sale of