higher than this provincially published CIF average of $44 per tonne. The EWSWA 2018 average price for ONP was $75 per tonne.

Old Corrugated Cardboard (OCC)

The EWSWA price for old corrugated cardboard again started the year high at $122 per tonne and dropped due to global market conditions to a low of $60 per tonne by the end of 2019. The 2019 EWSWA average price per tonne was $81 compared to $126 in 2018. The Authority’s average price of $81 per tonne was just short of the provincial average of $84 per tonne per the CIF Price Sheet- January 2020.

Hardpack (OBB)

(Example: cereal boxes, cardboard)

EWSWA’s prices for this cardboard/boxboard mix ranged from a high of $88 to a low of $1 per tonne in 2019. The 2019 EWSWA average price was $17 compared to $89 per tonne in 2018, again as a result of global market conditions. Even though market prices dropped severely in 2019, the Authority’s average price of $17 per tonne was slightly lower than the provincial average ($19 per tonne) per the CIF Price Sheet- January 2020.

Fine Paper

Fine paper was sold in 2019 with an average price of $207 per tonne. This is a decrease compared to the $279 per tonne received in 2018 again as a result of the fibre market crisis.

Loose Fibre

As a result of a major equipment changeover in the Fibre MRF in 2019, the Fibre MRF was unable to process incoming delivered materials for a few days. Therefore, all incoming materials during this timeframe to the Fibre MRF were shipped loose to a fibre recycling processor with no charge to the Authority due to fibre market conditions.

3.2 Containers

Steel Cans

The pricing for steel cans ranged from a high of $333 per tonne to a low of $155 per tonne during 2019. The 2019 average price was $248 per tonne compared to $304 per tonne in 2018.