The Manager of Finance stated that recycling commodity prices are still struggling and the revenue earned from the sale of recycled material was $67,700 lower than projected for 2019.

The additional net revenue serves to increase the 2019 projected surplus. A full year end report for 2019 will be provided to the Board in May when the audit is completed by KPMG.

Mr. McKenzie asked where would the money be allocated if the Authority realizes an actual surplus. The Manager of Finance stated that it would be included in the Rate Stabilization Reserve.

Mr. Morrison asked if the Authority is receiving a lot of soil from the new bridge project and if more soil is expected from this project. The Manager of Finance stated the Authority has received approximately 13,000 tonnes of soil material as of January 31, 2020. She stated that she will provide an update for January – March 2020 at the May Board meeting. She stated that the 2020 budget includes 20,000 tonnes of episodic waste which is what this type of material is considered.

Moved by Aldo DiCarlo

Seconded by Hilda MacDonald

THAT the Board receive the 2019 Budget Projection Update Report as information.

Carried Unanimously

C. Summary of Legal Accounts

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT the Board authorize the payment of the legal account as summarized.

Carried Unanimously 

13. Other Items

No other items were raised for discussion.

14. By-Laws

A. By-Law 1-2020

Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority and Toromont Ltd. for the Supply of a Front-End Loader and a Five-Year Service Contract for use at Transfer Station #2 in Kingsville. Moved by Aldo DiCarlo Seconded by Gary McNamara

Moved by Aldo DiCarlo

Seconded by Gary McNamara