will be extended from its current expiry date of November 30, 2020 to December 31, 2022.

Carried Unanimously

12. Finance and Administration

       A. 2020 Budget Approval Update

The Manager of Finance referred to page 19 of the agenda package. She stated that on January 27, 2020, Authority Administration attended Windsor City Council to present the 2020 Budget. She stated that Windsor City Council resolved to approve the Authority’s budget at that meeting without any presentation by Authority staff and without any questions to Authority staff. She stated that a full 2020 budget has now been approved by both Essex County Council and the City of Windsor Council.

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Fabio Costante

THAT the Board receive the EWSWA 2020 Budget Approval Status Report as information.

Carried Unanimously 

B. 2019 Budget Projection Update

The Manager of Finance referred to page 21 of the agenda package regarding a 2019 revenue projection update. She stated that on December 3, 2019 the Authority Board was advised of additional contaminated soil material being delivered to the Regional Landfill from a local construction project. This large construction project along with additional un-projected greenhouse vines and waste material has resulted in an additional $980,000 in revenue for 2019.