THAT By-Law 1-2020, Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority and Toromont Ltd. for the Supply of a Front-End Loader and a Five-Year Service Contract for use at Transfer Station #2 in Kingsville.

Carried Unanimously

B. By-Law 2-2020

Being a By-Law to Authorize the Extension of Agreements between the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority and Windsor Disposal Services Ltd. for (a) Recycling Processing and County Blue Box Collection and (b) Recycling Repairs and Maintenance.

Moved by Aldo DiCarlo

Seconded by Gary McNamara

THAT By-Law 2-2020, Being a By-Law to Authorize the General Manager, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, to extend the Agreements between the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority and Windsor Disposal Services Ltd. for (a) Recycling Processing and County Blue Box Collection and (b) Recycling Repairs and Maintenance.

Carried Unanimously 

C. By-Law 3-2020

Being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Board of the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority.

Moved by Aldo DiCarlo

Seconded by Gary McNamara 

THAT By-Law 3-2020, Being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Board of the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority be given three readings and be adopted this 4th day of February, 2020.

Carried Unanimously  

15. Future Meeting Dates