
The revised 2021 road rehabilitation program proposes upgrades to existing infrastructure that is in need of repair and that has a high amount of lead services, as per the above mentioned directive. The submitted 2021 road rehabilitation program to date has many projects including areas with no lead services. This results in ENWIN-Water not completing water main work along these streets in 2021, but likely completing rehabilitation work within these streets after they meet their lead directive (approximately within the next 5 to 7 years). As a result, continuing with the current road rehabilitation program would not be optimizing City resources, resulting in completing infrastructure upgrades on the same street twice within a 5-10 year span.

The proposed revisions will allow the City of Windsor and ENWIN-Water to complete the proposed projects in 2021 and the relocated 2021 road rehabilitation projects in future years, resulting in cost savings to both The City of Windsor and ENWIN-Water. City administration will continue to monitor future road rehabilitation projects to ensure that they are properly aligned with ENWIN-Water’s lead initiative.

ENWIN-Water has reviewed the proposed 2021 road rehabilitation projects and are in agreement with the revised locations as outlined below. The proposed optimized plan addresses 50 more lead services than the original 2021 road rehabilitation project plan.

One additional change has been made to the 2021 road rehabilitation project list regarding Lauzon Parkway. Lauzon Parkway is now planned for full reconstruction under the road rehabilitation program in future years It should be noted the funding allowing for this work is a direct result of the approved AMP funding increase. Matchette Road repairs have now been added for 2021 in place of originally planned Lauzon Parkway repairs which will now be a full reconstruction.

Risk Analysis:

This initiative seeks to mitigate known public health risks surrounding the presence of lead water connections.

There are no critical or significant risks associated with the recommendations in this report.

This report speaks specifically to the 2021 previously identified and approved in principle, road rehabilitation projects which are being impacted by Enwin’s planned projects to address the lead connection directives. It is expected that all other previously approved in principle annual road rehabilitation projects (2022 to 2027) will also need to be reviewed during the 2021 capital budget development and may be impacted in whole or in part in order to align with Enwin. To mitigate the potential impact to other approved in principle road rehabilitation projects, the 2021 capital budget may exclude the identification of specific road rehabilitation work in future years as it may fall outside Enwin’s planning horizon. Administration, at the City and Enwin, are also working towards leveraging existing software solutions owned by the City to develop better planning and project alignment strategies going forward, both for planning and cost considerations.

The current 2020 capital budget is based on the continuance of funding recently approved with the AMP. Should this funding be reduced in whole or in part, there will