Item No. 8.4

Council Report: S 81/2020

Subject: Revised 2021 Road Rehabilitation Program – City Wide


Date to Council: June 24, 2020
Author: Michael Cappucci
Contracts Coordinator
519-255-6560 x4234
Public Works - Operations
Report Date: June 5, 2020
Clerk’s File #: AFB/13698 SW2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council APPROVE the following revised 2021 road rehabilitation program, which will be completed in conjunction with the ENWIN-Water Division’s directive to address lead water connections.

Executive Summary:



The 2021 road rehabilitation program submitted during the 2020 capital budget deliberations was initially planned in 2016 and first included as part of the 2017 5-year capital budget submission. Since then ENWIN-Water, in conjunction with Council directive (CR489/2017), has been focusing their infrastructure replacements to address lead connections. City administration, under Council by-law B7/2018, are to work together with ENWIN-Water by completing lead water service projects in conjunction with City of Windsor infrastructure projects. The submitted 2021 road rehabilitation program has not been updated since the change in directive, and as such the revised 2021 road rehabilitation program being proposed in this report addresses this lead focused directive.

It is important to note that the current 2021 road rehabilitation projects currently identified within the 2020 8 year capital budget for years 2021 through 2027 needs to be revised in advance of the next capital budget cycle in order to make room for the proposed 2021 changes. Although projects will be moved to future years, there may be potential to move projects up should grant funding become available.