Mr. Kaschak asked if GFL collection drivers are receptive to placing the door hangers. Ms. Albidone stated that City of Windsor supervisory staff will place the door hanger with the information provided through the trip sheet.

Moved by Ed Sleiman

Seconded by Gary McNamara

THAT the Board receive the “No Plastic Bags…Period! Recycling Campaign” Report as information.

Carried Unanimously

B. Extension of Windsor Disposal Contracts for Recycling Processing & County Blue Box Collection and Recycling Repairs and Maintenance

The General Manager referred to page 16 of the agenda package.

The General Manager stated that the report is to recommend that the Board authorize Authority Administration to engage in discussions with Windsor Disposal Services (WDS) regarding the extension of the contracts for the Recycling Processing and County Blue Box Collection and Recycling Repairs and Maintenance.

The General Manager also stated the if WDS agrees to engage in discussions, that the Board authorize the General Manager along with the Board Chair and Vice Chair to engage in negotiations.

Moved by Kieran McKenzie

Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT the Board approve Authority administration to engage in discussions with Windsor Disposal Services Ltd. (WDS) regarding the extension of:

  1. a combined contract for the Processing of all recyclables delivered to Essex-Windsor’s two Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) and for the Curbside Collection of Blue Boxes in the seven County Municipalities

  2. a contract for the Repairs & Maintenance of Recycling Processing Equipment in the two EWSWA MRFs.

Moved by Kieran McKenzie

Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT if WDS is agreeable to the extensions that the Board authorize the General Manager to consult with the Chair and Vice Chair in regards to any price increases, and, pending successful negotiations to execute extension agreements as follows:

(a) THAT the EWSWA exercise the 2-year extension option as contained within the current agreement pertaining to the Processing of all recyclables delivered to Essex-Windsor’s two Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) and for the Curbside Collection of Blue Boxes in the seven County Municipalities so that the contract