The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that EWSWA and the City of Windsor collaborate often to discuss recycling issues. As a result of the audits, market conditions, issues at the curbside and processing issues, City of Windsor and EWSWA Administration have agreed that a campaign that bans plastic bags in curbside recycling collection must be undertaken.

The Manager of Waste Disposal explained that the education campaign will be launched in late March with the 2020 City of Windsor calendar launch and a media kick-off event. The campaign will include promotion through events, information, Annual Truckload Sale and media campaigns. Curbside audits will be done as well as MRF audits to monitor the impact of the campaign.

As of June 1, 2020, EWSWA and City of Windsor Administration will use the early part of June to support Windsor users who are having issues with collection to create a soft-launch support system. In the City of Windsor, door hangers will be left on resident’s doors to explain why the recycling was not collected. In the County, “OOPS” stickers will be left with the recycling boxes indicating why their recycling was not collected.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that there is no financial budget impact.

Mr. Sleiman asked how should residents dispose of the plastic bags. The Manager of Waste Diversion stated residents should reuse them or place them in the garbage.

Mr. McNamara stated that Sobey’s will no longer be providing plastic bags in their stores. He stated that maybe there should be recognition to stores that do this. The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that maybe EWSWA could acknowledge them through social media.

Mr. McKenzie asked how will the public react to this change. The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that usually the public does not like change. She explained that the Peel Region implemented this campaign a few years ago and have significantly reduced plastic bags in their program.

Mr. McKenzie asked if there will be a follow-up to the residents that have door hangers left at their home.

City of Windsor’s Manager of Environmental Services, Anne-Marie Albidone, explained that contracted City of Windsor blue box collector GFL notes on their trip sheet the residents that require a door hanger and they call 311. Then 311 will follow-up with a City of Windsor supervisor and a service request will be initiated.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that “OOPS” stickers are used in the County. When the resident receives an “OOPS” sticker the resident usually calls to find out why their recycling was not collected and EWSWA staff educates them on what should be placed in the recycling bins.