Windsor Avenue and Tecumseh Road East

Timeframe  Item (Report S 44/2018)  Status 
Immediate  Prohibit eastbound left turns at the intersection.  Traffic By-law amendment In progress — "no left turns" should be installed soon 
Short term  Remove on-street parking on Tecumseh Road East to the west of the intersection to improve sightlines for the southbound left-turn movement. Report C 186/2018: Consultation with the affected property owners is required before implementation. 
Long term (referred to ATMP)  Encouragecyclists riding on the Tecumseh Road East sidewalk to use the roadway or another route by providing nearby east-west alternate cycling routes and/or by making Tecumseh Road East more inviting to cyclists by replacing the existing catch basins with a more cycling-friendly design. ATMP identified an alternate route (Shepherd) 

Drouillard Road and Wyandotte Street East

Timeframe  Item (Report S 44/2018)  Status
Immediate  Repair loose catchbasin grates In the path of cyclists on Drouillard Road.  Completed 
Prohibit right turns on red at the intersection.  Traffic By-law Amendment in progress — "no right turn on red" signs should be installed soon. 
Short Term  M an interim measure, provide a diversion route (Devonshire Road / Riverside Drive / Strabane Avenue) for cyclists.  Riverside/Strabane In place Devonshire: to be completed 
Long term (referred to ATMP)  Ultimately provide cycling facilities on Wyandotte Street East through the intersection when the rail overpass is reconstructed.  This section of Wyandotte is Identified for future cycling facilities. Waiting for overpass to be reconstructed.