At a previous meeting of the WindsorBicycling Committee, the Committee requested an update on the status of the recommendations from the bicycle road safety audits carried out in 2018 (report $ 44/2018). The status of these recommendations detailed below.

Lauzon Parkway and Tecumseh Road East

Timeframe Item (Report S 44/2018) Status
Immediate Provide additional signage to encourage cyclists to dismount in the crosswalk and to call attention to the existing multi-use trail. Unsure did not hear back in time for meeting.
  Repair broken pedestrian pushbutton Completed
Short Term Provide cross-rides to connect the two sections of multi-use trail on Lauzon Parkway. To be completed - a significant undertaking
Adjust the stop bar and crosswalk locations to provide better visibility and shorter, more direct crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.
Adjust signal timings to provide increased clearance times for pedestrians and cyclists. Increased pedestrian walk times are being implemented City-wide in phases. This intersection is part of the phase that will be implemented in early 2020.
Long term (referred to ATMP) Consider providing cycling facilities along Tecumseh Road East and on the west side of Lauzon Parkway south of Tecumseh Road East.
  • ATMP recommended providing an alternate east-west route instead.
  • One portion (Rose - Rivard to Jefferson) added in 2019.
  • Remaining segments are identified as high or medium priority.