Walker Road and Ypres Avenue

Timeframe  Item (Report S 44/2018)  Status 
Immediate  Engage with Chrysler to further promote cycling among Its staff.  To be completed 
Short Term  Review and adjust signal timings. Adaptive signal timings going live within a few weeks
Adaptive signal timings going live within a few weeks  Completed
Consider replacing the crosswalks crossing Walker Road with crossrides (if cycling facilities are provided on Ypres Avenue) Cycling facilities have not yet been provided on Ypres (identified for future cycling facilities in ATMP —low priority) 
Acquire a corner cutoff in the northwest quadrant to improve sight lines Cycling facilities have not yet been provided on Ypres(identified for future cycling facilities in ATMP — low priority) Will be pursued as a gratuitous conveyance when the property is redeveloped
 Long term  Consider replacing the crosswalks crossing Walker Road with crossrides (if cycling facilities are provided on Ypres Avenue) ATMP was not able to identify a facility — ROW only accommodates existing.
Consider intersection Improvements to reduce the incidence of aggressive driving for left turning traffic  Potentially part of future Ypres cycling facility implementation.