Among the recommendations of the Active Transportation Master Plan was a recommendation to pursue a partnership with private operators to provide a public bike sharing program and consider the feasibility of an electric scooter sharing program (Walk Wheel Windsor Action 3.1).

This recommendation was identified as one of several “quick wins” that should be prioritized within one to two years of the Active Transportation Master Plan being prepared.

Additionally, the Active Transportation Master Plan identifies a number of “measures of success” to be reported to Council every four years. Several of these “measures of success” are specific to bike share services:

At the time that Walk Wheel Windsor was brought before Council, the provincial e-scooter pilot had not yet been announced.

E-Scooter Pilot Program Report

At its February 24, 2020 meeting, Council received report S 236/2019 Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot and report C 13/2020 Additional Information – Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot. In response to these reports, the following resolutions were adopted:


1. That Traffic By law9148 BE AMENDED as listed and attached in Appendix 1 of this report; and that Item 17, referring to helmets, BE DELETED.

2. That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the by law.

3. That Windsor Police Services BE ADVISED of these by law amendments for enforcement as resources allow.

4. That, in addition to the upcoming report on scooter/bikeshare programs and licensing, Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to Council within 12 months with a follow-up report on e-scooter experience to date, along with recommended changes to e-scooter rules and policies.