Draft Goals Performance Metric
5 Improving Transportation Equity in Windsor
  • % of Low-Income Residents within 400 meters of a bike or station

In response to the report, Council decided as follows:


That Council ENDORSE the Draft Bike Share Vision and Goals as contained in the report of the Transportation Engineer dated March 6, 2019 entitled "Bike Share Feasibility Study Update".


That Administration REPORT BACK on by-law and Policy recommendations to support a partnership with one or multiple private operators to provide Bike Share Services to the City of Windsor community.


That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council's consideration relative to a potential e-scooter pilot for the City of Windsor inclusive of an appropriate and legal location(s) for such a pilot project and accompanying regulations and requirements aimed at its safe operation.


That equity BE GIVEN strong consideration when recommendations come forward on how to regulate the providers to ensure equity is a key component of this business model.


That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on funding possibilities for the Bike Share Vision and Goals.

At the time that Council adopted these resolutions, the provincial e-scooter pilot had not yet been announced.

Walk Wheel Windsor

Windsor’s Active Transportation Master Plan, Walk Wheel Windsor, was presented to Council on July 22, 2019. At this meeting, Council approved the key principles of the plan (CR378/2019).