5. That Administration BE DIRECTED to conduct a trial period whereby e-scooters will be permitted on the Riverfront Trail paved path; and that the Parks Bylaw200-2002 BE AMENDED accordingly; and, that the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the by law.

6. That collapsible e-scooters BE PERMITTED on Transit Windsor buses.

The resulting amendment to Traffic By-law 9148 allows e-scooters to operate legally within the right-of-way, subject to certain conditions.

Protection of Highways By-law 25-2010 was not modified by the Council resolution; this by-law prohibits storing of property in the right-of-way unless permitted by by-law or agreement, and thereby provides the City with an enforcement mechanism for unauthorized scooter share services, if needed.


As a result of the Province’s recently announced e-scooter pilot program, Administration reviewed the “Recommended Bike Share Framework” prepared by Urban Systems (attached as Appendix A) and presented to Council in the Windsor Bike Share Feasibility Study report in March of 2019. After discussions with other City departments, some adjustments to the consultant’s recommendations are recommended. The table below identifies Administration’s suggested recommendations regarding key elements to include in the Request for Proposal.

Item Recommendation
Fleet Size (Initial) 450 – 600. Any increases / decreases to the Fleet size will need to be approved by the City. A mechanism for increasing / decreasing the fleet size will be included in the RFP/agreement.
Fleet Composition E-scooters, pedal-assist E-bikes and/or Standard Bicycles (at least 20% of Fleet will be comprised of either pedal-assist E-bikes and/or Standard Bicycles).
Service Area Phase 1 area as recommended by Urban Systems from Bike Share Feasibility Study Map (Please see Appendix B)
Service Period Operator(s) to propose options.(i.e. Year-round,