seasonal, etc).


Two year pilot (maximum length recommended by Urban Systems)

Parking Management

Hybrid dockless model; devices to be generally free floating / dockless EXCEPT near high activity areas, where designated geo-fenced drop-zones will regulate pick-up / drop-off locations and mitigate clutter.

Financial Contributions from City of Windsor


Staff time anticipated to work with and regulate operator(s)

Financial Contributions

Required of Private


All capital and operations costs.

Annual fees, daily per-device fees, and impound/repositioning fees for improperly parked e-scooters will be identified for the RFP.

Cost Overruns

Operator(s) responsible for any cost overruns

Upkeep and Maintenance

Operator(s) responsible for fleet upkeep and maintenance

Operations Plan

Operator(s) must provide operations and maintenance plan, staffing plan.

Must have 24-hour customer service phone number and e-mail, as well as direct contact for City Staff.

User Interface and Payment Systems

Operator(s) to be responsible for providing a simple to use access portal that protects personal information and the privacy of the user.

To ensure access for all, the operator(s) must provide a proposed payment plan outlining how the operator(s) will provide a service to those without smartphones and those without a credit card.


Operator(s) retains the right to set pricing and user fees, but will consult with the City in doing so. Must submit costs in proposal as well as package options for