Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Diane Bradford RN MN, Manager for the regional trauma program and injury prevention at Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette Campus

Diane Bradford RN MN, Manager for the regional trauma program and injury prevention at Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette Campus appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, "Vision Zero Policy Implementation" and provides a brief overview of the trauma centre. Ms. Bradford indicates that there are a large number of traumatic injuries taking place. Ms. Bradford provides statistics related to impairment and how that impacts traumatic injuries. Ms. Bradford concludes by suggesting that 90% of injuries that are treated are preventable through a vision zero plan. Ms. Bradford encourages the committee to adopt the plan and adds that the fatal collision team encourages adoption of the plan as well.

Councillor McKenzie requests further clarification related to a fatal collision team. Ms. Bradford indicates that the fatal collision team is a working action group within the program consisting of key people including Police, EMS and Hospital Staff. This group looks at details of injuries to determine if any changes can be made immediately to prevent traumatic injuries in the future.

Councillor McKenzie inquires whether this is recognized as a best practice. Ms. Bradford indicates there is not enough research to confirm this as it has not been in use long enough. Currently Ottawa and Montreal have adopted this type of group.

Councillor McKenzie inquires about a fatal collision team within the City and the report. Dwayne Dawson, Executive Director Operations, Deputy City Engineer appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, "Vision Zero Policy Implementation" and indicates that this report in consultation with other departments provides a framework. Mr. Dawson adds they have met with police and the concept of a fatal collision team is worth further discussion as they would be on board.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: ETPS 735

THAT the attached Vision Zero Policy, Vision Zero Procedure, and Vision Zero Stakeholder Group Terms of Reference BE ADOPTED; and,

THAT Council APPOINT a member of Council to represent Council on the Vision Zero Stakeholder Group; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to provide information related to developing a fatal collision response team as the process moves forward.

Report Number: S 201/2019

Clerk's File: ST2020