Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Councillor Costante inquires about the process related to submitting Annual Reports.

Anna Ciacelli, Supervisor of Council Services appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the Town & Gown Committee 2019 Annual and provides information related to the requirements within the Procedure By-law for Advisory Committees to provide an annual report to their respective Standing Committees. Ms. Ciacelli adds that this report usually contains a brief summary of the year's accomplishments. Ms. Ciacelli provides details related to the authors of the reports and the deadline timelines which is usually at the end of December to allow for the Standing Committees to review the annual reports early in the New Year.

Moved by: Councillor Costante
Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: ETPS 734

THAT the 2019 Annual Report of the Town & Gown Committee BE FORWARDED back to the Town & Gown Committee for review and comment; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to provide information related to procedure and guidelines regarding Advisory Committee annual reporting.

Report Number: SCM 454/2019

Clerk's File: MB2019


8.1. Vision Zero Policy Implementation

Lori Newton, representing Bike Windsor Essex

Lori Newton, representing Bike Windsor Essex appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, "Vision Zero Policy Implementation" and indicates she is in full support of administration's report related to vision zero. Ms. Newton indicates the City should be designing roads to prevent accidents. Ms. Newton adds that existing streets must be redesigned to reduce speed and ensure safety. Ms. Newton requests that the Committee approve the report to ensure streets are safer. Ms. Newton concludes by indicating the Vision Zero Action Plan and Policy encourages cooperation, commitment and action across the City.