Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

8.2. Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot - City-wide

Diane Bradford RN MN, Manager for the regional trauma program and injury prevention at Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette Campus

Diane Bradford RN MN, Manager for the regional trauma program and injury prevention at Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette Campus appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, "Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot" and indicates that permitting this pilot project will increase injury to the community. Ms. Bradford makes reference to Calgary who have had an increase in injuries related to electric kick-scooter usage. Ms. Bradford indicates that helmets are not being used, and adds that the use of mandatory helmets are included in the pilot and that a clear plan should be provided related to helmets and enforcement rules. Ms. Bradford concludes by suggesting the Plan is comprehensive, although solid enforcement and data evaluation is encouraged.

Lori Newton, Chair, Share the Road Cycling Coalition

Lori Newton, Chair, Share the Road Cycling Coalition appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, "Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot" and indicates that there are inconsistent policies between bicycle riders and scooter riders, and the regulation related to helmet usage under 18 years of age should be reflected in scooter use as well.

Councillor Costante requests further information related to the statistics provided by Ms. Bradford regarding Calgary and causes of injury related to not wearing a helmet. Ms. Bradford indicates that there were 600-700 injuries in Calgary between July and the end of October, 2019 related to e­scooter accidents. Ms. Bradford adds that Calgary does have a ride share program and the causes of the accidents are varied and challenges with the weather can also be a factor.

Councillor Costante inquires about the percentage of brain injuries. Ms. Bradford indicates she doesn't have that information readily available although she does relate some statistics regarding Austin Texas and the percentage of head injuries.

Councillor Costante inquires about Ms. Newton's thoughts related to helmet usage. Ms. Newton requests that the current legislative requirements related to helmet use be utilized whether for bicycles or scooters. Ms. Newton adds that it is important to be consistent although it will be a challenge to enforce and ultimately the goal would be to create streets where the the safety of people walking or riding bikes is a priority.

Councillor Kaschak inquires about speed reducing mechanisms on the devices. Jeff Hagan, Transportation Planning Engineer appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, "Electric Kick-Scooter Pilot" and provides information related to the pilot program and that scooters have a maximum speed of 24km/hr which is built into the Legislation. Modifications would be required to change that speed and that wouldn't be permitted under the current legislation.