This report contains the proposed Vision Zero policy and the comparison information relevant to other Vision Zero municipalities for consideration by City Council.


The Vision Zero policy proposed for consideration was adapted from previously adopted policies throughout Canada, as well as published guidance from the Vision Zero Network and Parachute Vision Zero.

Through the proposed policy, City Council retains ultimate authority to approve the implementation and funding for road safety measures in its jurisdiction, for adopting the Vision Zero Action Plan, and for approving policy amendments. City Council would also support the appointment of a Vision Zero Stakeholder Group.

In addition, under the proposed policy, the existing Road Safety Committee would be appointed as the Vision Zero Task Force. Administration would appoint a Vision Zero Chair and would recommend the appointment of individuals to a Vision Zero Stakeholder Group to City Council. Policy development, research and data gathering, administration of the Vision Zero Task Force, adherence to Vision Zero principles and reporting to City Council would be undertaken by Administration.

The Vision Zero Task Force will consult and collaborate with the Vision Zero Stakeholder Group on an ongoing basis, including identifying targets, goals, and Action Plan initiatives to be incorporated while adjusting as needed.

The Vision Zero Stakeholder Group will be consulted to identify key concerns and desirable goals for the Vision Zero Action Plan. It will ultimately recommend to City Council implementation of the Vision Zero plan as considered appropriate.

The proposed policy and procedure documents are appended to this report. Details on how this policy achieves the objectives for a successful Vision Zero policy are provided below.


(Source: 9 Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment, Vision Zero Network)

Approach in the Proposed Vision Zero Policy
POLITICAL COMMITMENTThe highest-ranking local officials (Mayor, City Council, City Manager) make an official and public commitment to a Vision Zero goal to achieve zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries among all road users (including people walking, biking, using transit, and driving) within a set timeframe. The proposed policy clearly states the overall goal of zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries. Identifying a specific timeline to achieve this goal is to be identified in the Vision Zero Action Plan.