
(Source: 9 Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment, Vision Zero Network)

Approach in the Proposed Vision Zero Policy


An official city Vision Zero Taskforce (or Leadership Committee) is created and charged with leading the planning effort for Vision Zero.

A multi-disciplinary Vision Zero Task Force has been identified. The Task Force includes representatives on the existing Road Safety Committee (Transportation Planning, Engineering, Operations – Maintenance, Traffic Operations, and Windsor Police Service) as well as additional departments and agencies (Communications, Windsor Fire and Rescue Service, Essex Windsor EMS, and Transit Windsor).

A Vision Zero Chair will coordinate the activities of the Task Force.


Vision Zero Action Plan (or Strategy) is created within 1 year of initial commitment and is implemented with clear strategies, owners of each strategy, interim targets, timelines, & performance measures.

The proposed policy identifies that a Vision Zero Action Plan should be presented to Council for approval within 12 months of adopting the policy and appointing the Vision Zero Stakeholder Group.

The proposed policy identifies that strategies, initiatives, interim targets, and performance measures should be provided in the Action Plan.


City stakeholders commit to both an equitable approach to Vision Zero by establishing inclusive and representative processes, as well as equitable outcomes by ensuring measurable benchmarks to provide safe transportation options for all road users in all parts of the city.

The proposed policy identifies that representatives of several neighbourhoods and a representative of a community group should be invited to take part in the Vision Zero Stakeholder Group.


A commitment is made to encourage meaningful cooperation and collaboration among relevant governmental agencies & community stakeholders to establish a framework for multiple stakeholders to set shared goals and focus on coordination and accountability.

The proposed policy outlines specific key points in the process where consultation with the Stakeholder Group is required.


City leaders commit to and prioritize a systems-based approach to Vision Zero — focusing on the built environment, systems, and policies that influence behavior — as well as adopting messaging that emphasizes that these traffic losses are preventable.

The Vision Zero Chair will have primary responsibility for ensuring that the strategies and initiatives developed are in keeping with Vision Zero principles and a systems-based approach.


City stakeholders commit to gather, analyze, utilize, and share reliable data to understand traffic safety issues and prioritize resources based on evidence of the greatest needs and impact.

The data sources expected to inform the development of a Vision Zero Action Plan are already available.

The Vision Zero Chair will have primary responsibility for ensuring that reliable data is shared with the Task Force and the Stakeholder Group.