Item No. 8.1

Council Report: S 201/2019

Subject: Vision Zero Policy Implementation


Date to Council: January 22, 2020
Author: Andrew Dowie
Engineer III
519-255-6100 ext 6490
adowie@citywindsor.caJeff Hagan
Transportation Planning Senior Engineer
519-255-6267 ext 6003
City Engineer
Report Date: December 23, 2019
Clerk’s File #: ST2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. That the attached Vision Zero Policy, Vision Zero Procedure, and Vision Zero Stakeholder Group Terms of Reference BE ADOPTED.

  2. That Council APPOINT a member of Council to represent Council on the Vision Zero Stakeholder Group.

Executive Summary:



At its meeting of April 15, 2019, City Council adopted CR174/2019, which reads:

“That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Environment Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee with a Vision Zero Policy for consideration; and,

That Administration BE REQUESTED to provide information related to comparisons with other Vision Zero municipalities in Ontario including data and gaps or enhancements that would be required across the Corporation to move forward with a complete policy.”