To determine the feasibility and appropriateness of the proposed development, a comprehensive evaluation of the potential planning issues and impacts has been undertaken. The scope and level of detail of the planning evaluation has been based on:

Recognizing that overlaps exist between the various above mentioned policies and criteria, the approach used attempts to consolidate the relevant policies and criteria, and identify and evaluate the potential planning and land use related issues associated with the proposed mixed-use residential and commercial development.

3.1 Provincial Policy Statement 2020

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) promotes the development of ‘Strong, Healthy Communities’ through the redevelopment of lands for an appropriate mix of uses, which include commercial uses. The proposed uses must be “consistent with” the PPS and as a broad and general document, the applicants must, through analysis of the policies, determine how the proposed use is appropriate and advances the Province’s interests. There are a number of sections of the PPS that apply to the proposed development.

Our analysis suggests that the proposed commercial development is consistent with the applicable policies of the PPS including:

Section 1.1.1, relating to efficient development and land use paƩerns;

Section 1.1.2, relating to land availability;

Section 1.1.3, relating to seƩlement areas;

Section 1.3, relating to employment;

Section 1.4; relating to housing;

Section 1.6, relating to infrastructure and public service facilities;

Section 1.6.6, relating to sewage, water, and stormwater;

Section 1.6.7, relating to transportation systems;

Section 1.7, relating to long-term economic prosperity; and

Section 1.8, relating to energy conservation, air quality and climate change.