These policies are included in Appendix B and will be referenced throughout the remainder of this report.

3.2 City of Windsor Official Plan

The local policy context in the City of Windsor is outlined in the Official Plan which contains a holisƟc set of goals, objecƟves, and policies to manage and direct growth in the City.

The subject lands are currently designated Residential in the Official Plan. Section 6.3 of the OP provides general policy direction for residential housing development, which recognizes that it should be directed to appropriate locations. According to the OP, this designation has the following functions:

The Residential land use policies are designed to promote compact neighbourhoods through development of a broad range of housing forms and tenures, and complementary services and amenities which enhance the quality of residential areas. Neighbour oriented commercial developments and mixed-use developments such as the one proposed can be established in Residential areas without requiring an Official Plan Amendment.

Our analysis suggests that the proposed development is able to be in conformity with applicable policies of the Official Plan which include:

Section 3.2, relating to growth and efficient land use;

Section 4.2.2, relating to environmental sustainability;

Section 4.2.3, relating to quality of life;

Section 4.2.6, relating to employment opportunities and economic development;

Section 6.3, relating to residential land uses;

Section 6.5.1, relating to commercial land objectives;

Section 7.2, relating to the transportation system;

Section 8.3, relating to designing for people;

Section 8.4, relating to pedestrian access; 

Section 8.7, relating to the built form and infill development;

Section 8.13, relating to lighting;

Section 11.6.3, relating to zoning by-law amendments; and