November 16, 2020
Item 7.5
Additional Information

Salam Alqayssi

4340 Sixth Concession Rd.

Windsor, ON N9G 2S1

Date: November 12, 2020

To: Development & Heritage Standing Committee

City of Windsor

Re: File Number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20

Dear Committee Members

You are sitting today to discuss a very important application and your outcome will impact the lifestyle not only for our household but also the entire neighbourhood. I have been living in our current house since early 2013 and we consider our neighborhood safe and quiet except during the rush hours when the volume of traffic is greater than usual. With that being said, we want to draw your attention to the following factors and why we strongly oppose the change to the zoning for this application:

  1. The current roads and intersections capacity:

    Sixth Concession Rd. and North Talbot Rd. are two lane roads with very limited pedestrian sidewalks and bicycle lanes. It is very clear to any driver or visitor that these two roads feel how narrow and cause slow traffic, specifically in the four-stop intersection between these two roads. These two roads and the intersection are the main corridor to the industrial area in the adjacent Old Castle and cause a huge delay to cross/drive through during the rush hours (6-8am and 3:30-5:30pm) and adding 108 extra vehicles will add up to the stress capacity of these roads, completely change the current traffic pattern, cause a massive safety concerns to the drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and the entry and exit to all households located on both of them.

  2. Privacy:

    The proposed building is a 16m height which will invade our privacy and having an entertainment lounge will definitely breach our privacy and will be a potential risk to the entire neighbourhood.

  3. The developer’s credibility:

    The developer knowingly and deliberately submitted a site plan that omitted the four new houses on Pioneer Ave. which resulted that the City of Windsor didn’t send these families the invite to this public meeting and they kept them in the dark until we informed them. This not honest action from the developer should provide the committee with the proof the need to challenge every submission from his end whether it is a traffic study or any other type of documents.

  4. Sound and light pollution:

    Having a 16m height building with a bar and 108 possible vehicles in our backyard will cause sound and light pollution that will contribute to any physical or mental health issues.