From: joe

Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 9:08 PM

To: Nwaesei, Justina <>; clerks <>; Mckenzie, Kieran <>; Francis, Fred <>
Subject: RE: File Number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20

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We are in receipt of public notice of public meeting File Number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20.

I would like to start off by letting the City of Windsor know I am disappointed at the documentation sent to me that was proposed for this site. The site plan does not show the 4 houses that were built within the last year or the existing home that is there. This is a major oversight that needs to be rectified to give an accurate perception of what is being proposed. This is a heavy traffic area and cannot support the load you want to add to this infrastructure that is already exists. Myself as well as my neighbors are opposed to this proposal. Traffic is extremely busy in this area without overloading it with 118 plus parking spots that are being proposed. This is a residential neighborhood and we would like to keep it that way. We do not want a 4 storey building in our backyards which would cause much noise, congestion, pollution and strain on our infrastructure as well as taking away our privacy and safety for our families and children. We have had flooding issues from the property of this developer that had been brought to the attention of the developer and the City of Windsor with no results or effort so it remains ongoing for almost a year now. This is not the neighborhood for this type of project. The property is not suitable and will only cause problems for the people of this area. Please reconsider this application and enormous problems it poses to our neighborhood and deny the application.

Joe Peltier