November 16, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.5
Additional Information

From: Jackie Pearson

Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 8:56 PM

To: clerks <>; Nwaesei, Justina <>; Mckenzie, Kieran <>; Francis, Fred <>
Subject: Re: File # ZNG/6074 Z-011/20 

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I was very unhappy to see that this proposal is being considered in an existing well established residential neighbourhood. I do understand that the proposed location is zoned commercial. Asking for the allowable height to be more than double causes great concern. It will take away privacy, natural views, let alone create an eye sore in a well established residential neighborhood. I myself have already lost sunlight in my backyard from the new homes that were just built in the past year on Pioneer. These homes are not on the current proposal they show as vacant lots. This is a false representation of the current situation. Why has the developer has not included the existing homes in his proposal? Further more why did the persons reviewing this for the City not do a proper onsite inspection to know that the homes do actually exist. (See attached photo 1) I believe that something has definitely fallen through the cracks and the City should not allow this project to proceed.

In addition, building something of that size is greatly concerning being that single family homes having already caused a flooding issue to neighbouring properties. (See attached photo 2) The City is aware of the flooding issue and it has not yet been resolved. The grading levels are higher and it has been allowed and it should not have been.

It is a great oversite to think this will not cause a serious traffic issue to an already very busy intersection. The four way stop at the Sixth Concession and North Talbot is always very busy. I myself have had to wait for twenty minutes to get through at the high commute times when normal work days are ending.

A bus stop was relocated to that corner already due to high traffic volume and speed on the Sixth Concession. Now they find that putting a building with 108 parking spaces will not cause more of a safety concern. The entry/exit and the bus stop will all be located in one city block on the same side of the street.