November 16, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Additional Information Item 7.5

From: Mary Guttmann
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 12:28 PM
To: clerks<>
<> Subject: File #ZNG/6074 Z-011/20</>

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Development & Heritage Standing Committee;

Regarding the development of the property on 6th Concession & N. Talbot, I would like to lodge my concerns about the planned development:

First,this land had been a wetland and for the years that we have lived in the area geese have layed eggs and raised goslings within the space.

Second, the lot seems too small for a 5-story structure that would accommodate apartments, business space and 108 parking spaces, is there a plan for below level parking?

Third, there are new homes being built along Pioneer Ave that are listing for >$650,000, would a business, apartment structure affect their property values?

Fourth, what about the traffic flow through the area, the N Talbot & 6th Concession intersection is controlled by stop signs and twice a day there is congestion. I had understood City of Windsor planned a round-about to alleviate the congestion as well as updating the drainage ditch situation in the area.

I apologize for the delay in sending my concerns. Please pass on to the committee.

Mary Guttmann