The subject property is presently designated ‘Commercial Corridor’ and ‘Residential’ on

Schedule D: Land Use of the Official Plan. The subject lands are zoned ‘Commercial

District 2.1 (CD2.1)’ along Tecumseh Road and ‘Residential District 2.2 (RD 2.2)’ in

Comprehensive Zoning By-law 8600 for the City of Windsor.

The majority of the property is designated ‘Residential’ in the Official Plan for the City of Windsor. The ‘Residential’ designation of the Official Plan permits Low, Medium, and High profile dwelling units. In accordance with Types of Development Profile, the proposed four storey, 28 unit building is considered a medium profile building as defined:

“ For the purpose of this Plan, Development Profile refers to the height of a building or structure. Accordingly, the following Development Profiles apply to all land use designations on Schedule D: Land Use unless specifically provided elsewhere in this Plan:

  1. Low Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than three (3) storeys in height;

  2. Medium Profile development are buildings or structures generally no greater than six (6) storeys in height; and

  3. High profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than fourteen (14) storeys in height.”

A component of the property along Tecumseh Road frontage is designated ‘Commercial Corridor’ in the Official Plan: Section 6.5 Commercial policies indicate “Commercial lands provide the main locations for the purchase and sale of goods and services.”

The owner proposes to build a four storey, 28 unit residential apartment building and associated parking. The apartment units will be rental apartments and will be associated with the Redeemed Church of God on adjacent lands. The proposed development will require an Official Plan Amendment to remove the ‘Commercial’ designation from the land and extend the ‘Residential’ designation across the entirety of the property. The proposed OPA will ensure the ‘Residential’ policies of the OP for a medium profile building is applied to the entirety of the property.

A Zoning Bylaw Amendment has been requested to establish a site specific regulatory framework to permit the residential, medium profile residential development. This report provides the rationale and support for the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (ZBA) that will create a site specific ‘Residential District (RD 3.1)’ zone with a site specific amendment to support the rejuvenation and revitalization of the low profile, small scale building.