The subject lands are within an area that is serviced by municipal sewage services and municipal water services. The requested zoning by-law amendment is consistent with policy of the PPS. Planning for stormwater management shall: f) promote stormwater management b est practices, including stormwater attenuation and re -use, water conservation and efficiency, and low impact development.

Servicing Study was submitted by the applicant and comments received from municipal departments and external agencies indicate no concerns with storm water management. Applicant is encouraged to consider Low Impact Design in the Site Plan Review process to address quantity and quality of stormwater leaving the site. This amendment is consistent with policy (f) of the PPS.

1.7.1 Long-term economicprosperityshould be supported by: b) encouraging residential uses to respond to dynamic market-based needs and provide necessary housing supply and range of housing options for a diverse workforce; c) optimizing the long-term availability and use of land, resources, infrastructure and pub lic service facilities

This amendment encourages residential intensification by providing additional housing supply, which is an appropriate response to the market-based housing needs in the City of Windsor. The proposed development of a multi-storey, mixed use (residential and commercial) development optimizes the availability and use of land and infrastructure by intensifying the use of an underutilized, mostly vacant, parcel of land. The amendment is consistent with policy 1.7.1 of the PPS.

In summary, the above planning analysis demonstrates that the subject zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the relevant Policies of PPS 2020.


The site is designated “Residential” in the Land Use Schedule D of City of Windsor Official Plan.

The objectives and policies of the Residential land use designation establish the framework for development decisions in Residential areas within the City of Windsor.

As shown in the attached Appendix B to this report, the Official Plan’s residential land use objectives are to support a complementary range of housing forms, promote compact residential form for new developments and promote selective residential infill and intensification initiative in the City of Windsor. The residential land use objectives also include providing for complementary services and amenities which enhance the quality of residential areas and ensuring that a sufficient land supply for residential and ancillary land uses is available to accommodate market demands. See sections,,, and of OP Vol.1 in Appendix B attached. These objectives of the OP are satisfied by the proposed mixed residential and commercial use development on the subject land. The amendment supports a complementary range of housing forms in the subject neighbourhood. The amendment also provides opportunity for residential redevelopment, infill and intensification; thereby, promoting a compact neighbourhood. The amendment facilitates the proposed development of a permitted ancillary use (neighbourhood commercial use) in the subject area; thereby, enhancing the quality of this residential area.

As shown in the attached Appendix B to this report, under policies of the Residential land use designation, s., “Uses permitted in the Residential land use designation identified on Schedule D: Land Use include Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units.” Section lists ancillary uses that are permitted in the residential land use designation; a neighbourhood commercial use is listed as a permitted ancillary use in s.