The indigenous communities have been contacted by the Planning Department to initiate discussions on this zoning amendment. No response or comments have been received to date. The Planning Authority (The Corporation of The City of Windsor) has, in principle, satisfied the requirement to engage and coordinate; therefore, it makes sense to deem this amendment to be consistent with policy 1.2.2 of the PPS.

1.2.6 Land Use Compatibility Major facilities and sensitive land uses shall b e planned and developed to avoid, or if avoidance is not possib le, minimize and mitigate any potential adverse effects from odour, noise and other contaminants, minimize risk to public health and safety, and to ensure the long-term operational and economic viability of major facilities in accordance with provincial guidelines, standards and procedures.

The proposed mixed use residential and commercial development contains a sensitive land use, but there is no known major facility nearby. Therefore, the land use compatibility policy 1.2.6 is not applicable.

1.4 Housing  

1.4.1 To provide for an appropriate range and mix of housing options and densities required to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area, planning authorities shall: a) maintain at all times the ability to accommodate residential growth for a minimum of 15 years through residential intensification and redevelopment and, if necessary, lands which are designated and available for residential development;

1.4.3 Planning authorities shall provide for an appropriate range and mix of housing options and densities to meet projected market-based and affordable housing needs of current and future residents of the regional market area by:

This amendment promotes infill development on a site that has been underutilized for many years. The multi-unit residential component of the proposed mixed use development creates the opportunity for a higher density and compact development in a low density residential area and results in a net increase in residential units or accommodation. Therefore, this amendment will result in an intensification of the subject site and area. The amendment will facilitate the municipality’s ability to accommodate residential growth through intensification and will provide a form of housing that is appropriate in terms of range and mix, and will meet the social, health and well being of current and future residents. Appropriate level of infrastructure, active transportation and transit services are available or will be available in the subject area. This amendment is consistent with policy 1.4 of the PPS. Municipal sewage services and municipal water services are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas to support protection of the environment and minimize potential risks to human health and safety. Within settlement areas with existing municipal sewage services and municipal water services, intensification and redevelopment shall be promoted wherever feasible to optimize the use of the services.