This amendment for a mixed use development that comprises a permitted residential development (multi-unit, multi-storey, medium profile residential use) and a permitted ancillary use (neighbourhood commercial use) on the subject lands does not require an Official Plan Amendment.

With respect to the locational criteria in s. of OP Vol. 1, the subject lands provide opportunity for residential infilling within an established residential neighbourhood with access to nearby collector roads (North Talbot & Sixth Con.). The proposed development can be serviced by full municipal physical services. Open spaces (parks) and public transit are available in the neighbourhood. Therefore, this amendment satisfies the criteria set out in s. of the OP.

With respect to the evaluation criteria for neighbourhood development pattern, a review of s. shows that the following evaluation criteria are applicable to the proposed development on the subject land:


The proposed mixed use residential development is being located in an established residential neighbourhood; therefore, the proposed development is capable of being provided with full municipal physical services and emergency services. The proposed development concept shows a gradual transition from low to medium profile development.

The proposed development shall be provided with adequate off street parking. The applicant’s Traffic Impact Study contains an out-dated Parking Study. Therefore, the applicant’s request for parking reduction should be deferred to the site plan approval stage and a new/revised parking study should be provided for the site plan review process.

It should be noted that the applicant’s Planning Justification Report states that “The proposed infill development is able to be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, architectural proportions, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and landscaped areas (OP, Section 8.3 and” “These aspects of the development will be addressed more thoroughly during Site Plan Approval ...” I agree that these aspects of the proposed development should be more appropriately considered at the time of site plan review and approval; therefore, the evaluation criteria in s. is deemed satisfied.

The applicant has an existing site plan approval (file SPC-040/18) for a neighbourhood commercial development on Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355. If Council approves this zoning amendment, the next step is for the proponent to submit an application for site plan review and approval, which will ensure that the proposed mixed use development is in keeping with the Official Plan built form policy for infill developments as in section, OP Vol. 1.

Regarding Zoning Amendment Evaluation Criteria s. of the OP, it is important to recognize that support studies were submitted as part of this application and were considered in the preparation of this planning report. The requirements, comments and recommendations from municipal departments and circularized agencies have been considered, as noted in the CONSULTATION section of this report. This amendment promotes opportunity for residential intensification and infill, which creates a compact form of neighbourhood and ensures