Development & Heritage Standing Committee
13 October, 2020

7.4 Z-016/20 [ZNG/6127] – Lester Group 1521 Pierre Ave – Rezoning

George Robinson (author), Planner II – Revitalization & Policy Initiatives

Mr. Robinson provides a brief PowerPoint presentation of the report.

Mr. Stephen Berrill, ADA Architects Inc representing the appicant – available for questions.

Mr. John Sherer (resident) provides a brief statement noting his concern with the design of the proposed development and the impact it will have on the area. The design of the building does not resemble the neighbourhood. In contacting the architect, he was told this was the final design due to budget restrictions and efficiency of construction. Mr. Sherer advises that, although the homes are almost 100 years old, they are well maintained and any development that comes in should try to reflect that same character. Mr. Sherer is not opposed to new development for a single or duplex home, but they do ask that it fit into the character of the street.

Ms. Toni Muzzin Probe (resident) voices her concern and disapproval over the proposed 3-storey property being squeazed into the small parcel of land. Noting parking, access through open alley and disruption of privacy due to crowding and additional noise this addition would make. Also, the beautiful garden left behind by the previous owner, who was recognized by the City of Windsor with a Beautification Award, removing what greenspace they have left.

Councillor Holt wants to know why the Committee is being asked to approve a reduction in scale for this tri-plex? Why would that be fitting in this neighbourhood? Mr. Robinson explains the history behind the limited lot size, noting it was severed from a previously double sized lot for this development. Councillor Holt asks that if the recommended zoning for a tri-plex is normally 18m, why would this development then be considered for approval when it’s half that requirement? Mr Robinson directs to Appendix F of the report to help explain the different zoning requirements. Councillor Holt asks what the height is in comparison with the abutting households? Mr. Berrill advises they’re basically a 2-1/2 storey building, providing a 3rd unit in the basement level and provides distance and heights from grade level. Councillor Holt requests the height to the peak? Mr. Berrill advises according to Zoning By-law at about 30 ft or 10m. The abutting neigbour is a one-and-a-half storey duplex.

Councillor Holt repeats a comment made by Mr. Sherer in regards to constraints over design and construction and lack of matching the area. Mr. Berrill confirms the discussion occurred and the project being budget driven while trying to maximize internal iiving space.

Councillor Holt notes several comparisons to the neighbourhood regarding design, etc. According to Mr. Berrill, there was no attempt to match the neighbourhood. Mr. Robinson advises it is sited as similar to that of the neighbourhood, however, there are no requirements in the by-law to