Development & Heritage Standing Committee
13 October, 2020

year round privacy and noise mitigation? Mr. Szymczak advises that has not come up during the study. It is not something that would be limited to Industrial uses but to other Commercial uses in terms of screening and dust control. Mr. Rondot advises that if the Committee moves forward with approval, this would be a preference of his to incorporate into the recommendations. Mr. McCloskey advises they would have the Landscape Architect determine what would be planted on top of the berms. The berms proposed would be north of existing trees on the property and would use coniferous trees over deciduous.

Member Gyemi comments about using plants for noise control and if that is what it is being used for then a solid barrier should be considered. Mr. Szymczak advises the berms are used for noise control. The Chair advises that is addressed during Site Plan Control.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 205


  1. THAT Council APPROVE the request of D.C. McCloskey Engineering Ltd. for an exemption from the provisions of Interim Control By-law 78-2019 for the property at 4325-4445 County Road 42 (southwest corner of County Road 42 and 8th Concession Road).

  2. THAT Council AMEND Interim Control By-law 78-2019 by adding to Section 6 the following: k) 4325-4445 County Road 42

    Part Lot 17, Concession 7, Sandwich East;
    PIN 75235-0032; Roll No. 090-010-04950

  3. THAT the Site Plan Approval Officer BE DIRECTED to consider the following matters for inclusion in an approved site plan:

    1. The mitigation measures identified in the conclusion of the Acoustical Assessment Report dated August 5, 2020 and prepared by Akoustic Engineering Limited (attached as Appendix D to Report S 130/2020); and,

    2. A setback of 11.3 m from the lot line adjacent to Baseline Road, which shall include a berm with a minimum height of 1.8 m.


Councillor Morrison was absent from the meeting when the vote was taken on this matter.

Report Number: S 130/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528