Development & Heritage Standing Committee
13 October, 2020

address the development to match the materials. But they are asking for a site-specific amendment at which point the Committee could add provisions to the recommendations. Member Rondot notes the alley will be used to access parking and wants to know that Administration has confirmed the alley is not one designated for closure. Mr. Robinson advised the application was circulated to Engineering & Right-of-Way and had no concerns. Mr. Winter advised there has been no request for contribution for this alley.

Councillor Sleiman asks how Mr. Robinson came up with his recommendation in regards to compatibility to the neighbourhood? Mr. Robinson goes into a little more detail of how he determined his recommendation compared to his brief explanation in the report. Councillor Sleiman doesn’t understand the justification for this application. Mr Robinson provides more of an explanation and references sections of his written report.

Member Gyemi asks if it is fair to add a condition to ask the applicant to add elements in order to be more in line with the neighbourhood? Mr. Robinson advised you can ask the representative of the applicant if they would be open to revision and/or can add a specific requirement to the recommended Section 20 site-specific zoning provision. Mr. Szymczak adds he is wary about adding any design provisions at this point as they are a subjective matter that require a valid planning rationale. Mr. Gyemi asks if they can then recommend specifically to change the facade to add a full front porch? Mr. Szymczak advises that the Committee ask the applicant if they are amiable to such a provision. Mr. Berrill does not rule it out but cannot commit to anything without discussion with the owner.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 206


THAT the Zoning By-law 8600 amendment request regarding Lot 82, Plan 889; now designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 12R28270, located on the west side of Pierre Avenue, south of Shepherd Street East (shown as the subject lands on Appendix D to Report S117/2020), from Residential RD 1.3 to RD 2.2 BE DENIED.


Councillor Morrison was absent from the meeting when the vote was taken on this matter.

Report Number: S 117/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13897